ss1. single, crushing, interested, or in a relationship?single-yah like duh
2. are you happy with who you are? no
3. when you meet the right person, do you fall fast?dude...even if it's teh wrong i person i fall a ton of bricks...ok and fast.4. have you ever had your heart broken?like AGAIN?!(2years- 2 times...1 time per year...tha's gotta be soem record)
5. do you believe that there are certaincircumstances where cheating is acceptable? nO?!
6. would you ever take someone back if theycheated on you?if the person still loves me..yeah...but if not..then i'd rather the person just leave me
7. have you talked about marriage with anotherperson? to charles this morning and wad statistics have proven abt marriages(for eg. did u noe, that a survey PROVEs that the no. of successful marriages follows a normal distribution with respect to the amnt of time a couple had been together and that the mode is 2 years? )
8. do you want children?erm like yeah
9. how many?1-2....that means...1.5...1 and a half kid! that means a normal kid and a super short kid! no lah. kidding.
i mean wouldn't that mean that every family has one kid and a child who's liek 0.6 times the normal ht of other children ? (ave b' rate in sg is 1.6...yes no?)10. would you consider adoption?if me and my future wife(whoever taht may be) for soem reason cannot give rise a a child...taht option will be attractive... 11. are you happy?1 word: NO!delirious-as in gone all likelihood yes...but do not confuse that with happiness or pleasure, for i feel only pain and sorrow and none of teh pleasure
12. do you enjoy playing hard to get?dude! i play hardly in i always fail in this field of love. *shin pai*-failure in jap
13. be honest. do you play the "game" when youare dating?urm like as if i can liddat. cumon i dun even have the ability to even succeed in winning the heart of to paly teh game...cos dun even have one...
14. do you believe love at first sight exists? perhaps love...not very likely lah. altho love at first smell is a more likely scenario...(it's teh pheromones) or love at first talk....(it's teh personality )
15. are you romantic?i dunno. altho many stuid quizes i took in the past would suggest that i am. but how would i noe? i've never been able to utilise or test this ability. i.e- no practicals...altho the theory would suggest it is...
16. do you believe that you can change someone.changing is easy. now changing someone for the better by love is a different thing.(i scare pple into changing..altho unintentionally)
17. if you could get married anywhere, wouldmoney not be an object?in as much as money(coins, cash) is a noun(hence an object),money cannot be not an 'object'. in fact there is no relationship better me marrying where and what the compositionof money is.
however, if u mean being able to marry anywhere, would money matter to me?
well neither matters to me.
doesn't matter how if i have money or not( long as 1- the other party doesn't mind, b- there is enuf money for teh both of us to start a warm family) neither does where i marry(as long as teh other party likes it. wad's more important to me is taht im marrying a person i love and that the other person loves me and is happy to marry to me.
now THAT is wad matters
19. do you easily give in when you are fighting? fact i hardly, i ever get into fights
20. do you have feelings for someone right now?Does he/she know?
if u asked me this qn 7 days ago, i'll say yes...then no...
6 days ago...yes and yes
now is a no-which voids out the second qn doesn't it?
22. have you ever broken a heart?
me ? break someone's heart? i think not! unless u consider literally taking a knife and stabbing someone in the chest...
23. what will happen if you come home & findanother person in your bed with yourhusband/wife?divorce?
depends...altho im most likelihopod i'll forgive. which means no divorce.
im assuming that she still loves me of cos. however, the decision is for her to make, not me.
24. would you ever fight somebody over yoursignificant other?
depends on the situation. if my significant other wants to be with the other person, then so be it. if she wants to be with me, then i'll fight to protect her freedom. if she's undecided, depends on the person- if teh person is a bad hat and i noe he'll abuse her...then i'll definitely try to sop him...but not really fighting
fighting solves nothing.
it'll be competition. but i'll ratehr both of us not get her than to have her under the hands of a bad hat. that's all there is to it. so if need be, i'll use wadever means neccessary.
25. if you know someone likes you right now, whatwould you say to them?
i'll give the person a warning first- that is give a description of who i am(like the EULA), if the person decided that she still likes me. taht's gd, i'll accept her. but hey, wad's teh probability of this ever happening?
i'll get struck twice by lightning before this will ever take place
26. do you drink?
27. ever been drunk?
drunk on stupidity...yah....drunk on percieved love yah(which turned out to be fake by the way)
28. do you drink your sorrows down?
no drink-no drink to drown sorrow.
plus drinking only makes u more depressed if ur already in sorrow.
29. are you bored?yah
30. wads your wish right now?4 As in a level.prob. and that she'll forgive me. then again...not really so much of wishing but of praying
l a s t
1. Person you saw: mum
2.Talked to on the phone: johnny
3. Hugged:i dunno.
4. Text: to someone who called me while i washaving lessons. i have no damned clue who he is
t o d a y
1. wearing : sa t-shirt flower print blue shorts
2.better than yesterday? :worse
3 words. it feels astho everyone is my enemy
t o m o r r o w
1. Is:another bad day
2. Got any plans: just to get bytml
3. Dislikes about tomorrow :it's another badday.
f a v o r i t e
1. Number: 16
2. Color: blue-reflects who i am inside
3. Season: spring
c u r re n t l y
1. Missing someone: not really..notanymore
2. Mood: pissed and thirsty for blood
3.Wanting: to die
Q: First thing you did thismorning?: A: pass val the qns fro interview
Q: Lastthing you ate: A: blueberry bun.
Q: Do you haveanything bothering you?: A: everything is
Q:What's annoying you right now?: A:EVERYTHING!
Q: What's the last movie yousaw?: A:pirates of the carribean
Q: Do you believein long distance relationships?: A: i dun evenbelieve in relationship
Q: Is there a person who ison your mind right now?: A: no
Q: Where is thelast place you went?: A:. photocopying shop
Q:Do you have any siblings?: A: 1
Q: Do you smileoften?: A: NOT ANYMORE unless u considersmiling for evil reasons-aka...phychotic smile
Q:Do you think that a person is thinking of you too?A: NO!
Q: Choose one to have (love, beauty,creativity): A: Love-which is the hardest to comeby and hence the most precious
Q: Do you wishupon stars? A: NO! i pray
Q: Are you a friendly person?:A: NOT NOW! Q
: Whose bed did you sleep in lastnight?: A:MINE LIKE DUH!
Q: What color shirtare you wearing?: A: WHITE!
Q: What were youdoing at 9 last night?: A: slping.
Q: When is thelast time you saw your dad?: A: last mth
Q: Doyou have more guy friends or girlys friends? A:same
Q: When was the last time you cried?A:just a few moments ago
Q: Do you get angryeasily? A: not really unless ur like my mother who's always picking a fight
Q: What was your last thoughtbefore you went to sleep last night? A: damnedtired....
Q: What are you about to do? A: cry andscream and shout and go crazy
Q: What songare you listening to right now? A: nothing but thelast song i was listening to was forever love by xjapan
Q: Would you rather be single or in arelationship? A: rather be in arelationship...haiz.
Q: Do you ever check yourphone waiting for someone to call? A: usedto
Q: Rate life as of right now 1-10. A: 0
Q:Would you say that most people who first meetyou like you? A:no. they get scared
1)How old do you wish you were?
old enuf to die
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
3) What do you do when vending machines stealyour money?
get real pissed
4) Do you consider yourself kind?used to. now im just plain pissed
5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?never
6) If you could be fluent in any other language,what would it be?japanese
7) Do you know your neighbors?no neighbours
8) What do you consider a vacation?death
9) Do you follow your horoscope?i look at it just to see how rubbishy it is
10) Would you move for the person you loved?prob. if i still loved anyone at this pnt in time. all ihave now is pain, hatred and tears
11) Are you touchy feely?maybe i was. now im just plain pissed
12) Do you believe that opposites attract?only if they are magnets or charged particles.anything else, no.
13) Dream job?engineeer for DSTA.....
14) Favorite channel(s)?central(for tehir anime)
15) Favorite place to go on weekends?church service
16) Showers or Baths?shower
17) Do you paint your nails?no
18) Do you trust people easily?not anymore
19) What are your phobias?rejection.
20) Do you want kids?ya
21) Do you keep a handwritten journal?used to now i type
22) Where would you rather be right now?where teh dead dwell
23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy?nobody. on teh othe rhand everyone gives me pain,anger and tears2
4) Heavy or light sleeper?light2
5) Are you paranoid?in all likelyhood. after all my scarring ive had sincei was a kid.
27) Who can you relate to?no one anymore
28) How do you feel about interracial couples?i feel that they are sweet
29) Have you been burned by love?many times
30) What’s your favorite pick-up line?no fav pick up line
31) What’s your main ring tone on your mobile?weekend-x japan
32) What were you doing at midnight last night?slpin
g33) What did the last text on your cellphone say?prac tml 3pm at inno.1....
34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night?mine
35) What color shirt are you wearing?white
36) Most recent movie you watched?daisy
37) Name three things you have on you at alltimes?hp, wallet, specs
38.) What color are your bed sheets?orange
39) How much cash do you have on you right now?0.but quite a sum stashed soemwhere
40) What is your favorite part of the chicken?tigh
41) What’s your favorite town/city?a dead one
42) I can’t wait till:my death
43) What did you have for dinner last night?soem ham and bread4
4) How tall are you barefoot?appprox 1.68m(altho thos guys at cmpb made amistake by measure when i was lloking at my feet)
45) Do you own a gun?i only wish
46) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?milk
47) Where do you think you’ll be in 10 yrs?dead i hope
48) Last thing you ate?blueberry bun
49) What songs do you sing in the shower?normaaly dun sing. but if i do..i guess it's probmizerable by gackt camui
50) Last thing that made you laugh?running yolk
51) Worst injury you’ve ever had?injury to my sanity.the recent evenets have taken atolll on my sanity.someone kill me and put me outta my misery
52) Does someone have a crush on you?no..but i can only say i wish
53) What’s your favorite candy?meiji vit c sweets
54) What song do you want played at your funeral?art of life,rusty nails-x japan, aint afraid to die-diren grey, death wish; sayonara-gackt camui,thereal folks blues-cowboy bebop, ray; tokyo shinjuu-gazette.ah yes...feeling better now..not so pissed already.
./ calm now
yay me very the happy now. now me and xiang ya are going yo learn forever love. and maybe next time jam together.
so cool lah!